Saturday, May 6, 2023

Spring Invasions

I wish all our visitors today were as nice looking as this deer that showed up at dusk tonight. But nope. They were pretty gross and unwanted.

Yesterday afternoon I just happened to be out on the front deck and noticed these flying or hopping bugs. We didn't think much of it until today.

This morning's view featured all those little flying bastards gathering en mass in the driveway. Oh, and the deck and near the garage doors. Gross!

I learned they are called Snow Fleas, which gives me a creepy crawly feeling, and they're pretty common. Maybe they are here every year and I just didn't notice. So I sought a safe means to eradicate them. I guess a mixture that includes Dawn dish soap does the trick. We'll see. It took my several bottles full of special sauce to have enough to spray them all. 

I hope it worked. But as a backup, we called our Orkin man. You know, the one we call Son #2. He stopped by and added his extra touch, too, so hopefully they're dead or gone or both come tomorrow.

Our only other invasions today were dandelions sprouting and the deer.

"Hi, I'm a harmless flower. Annoying and wide-spread, but harmless!"

We'll see. At least I was able to do some work in the back yard without seeing any snakes. So far. Just want to keep the spring invasions to a minimum! Hope you can, too!

Right now, lightning and thunder our invading our spring evening. Be careful out there!

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