Monday, June 9, 2008

And so begins summer...

Our summer schedule resumed today -- with Carter quietly playing his GameBoy in the backseat on the family commute to Iola.

He was very excited to get back to Kidz Camp -- that's what they call the summer childcare program at the aquatic and fitness center here in Iola. He walked in and immediately was greeting "camp counselors" and kids he knew from last summer.

Since he is one of the few non-Iola kids there, they surprised him with an Iola T-shirt from the state basketball tournament this winter. Now he has something Iola to wear. "Sweet!"

(For the record, I did kiss and hug him goodbye.)

Of course, a return to the summer routine also means every night when we pick him up, he'll be asking, "Can we go to Shivers?" I swear I am telling the truth when I say I have held off going to get ice cream so far -- even though it's been open for a month! So you can bet when he asks tonight, our first traditional night of summer, my answer will be, "Heck yeah!!"

Welcome to summer!

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