Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Musings

Pitching Pain: As predicted, my upper back and right shoulder are feeling the pinch of trying to be a professional pitcher this weekend. Next time, I think I'll be staying in the bull pen.

That's What She Said
: There's a catchphrase from the sitcom "The Office" that is supposed to be funny in an adult humor sort of way -- but only if used correctly. For example, if someone hands me a piece of cake and I say, "Wow, that's too big!" Then somebody would pipe in with "That's what she said!" You get where I'm going, right? It may come as a surprise, but Carter has been hearing that phrase from some Office fan in the house. So he's saying it now -- but he doesn't know what it means or when to say it. Like if I say something like I need some sleep, he'll say "that's what she said." Doesn't make sense. Tonight at supper, though, when I said I just needed one pickle with my burger, he says, "That's what she said." I look at hubby and say, "He is officially banned from saying that from now on." I'm just afraid he's getting too close to understanding it -- or accidentally using it correctly.

Homework Helper
: Just to set the record straight about where Carter gets his sense of humor. It comes equally from both Daddy and Mommy. I will not take all the credit or the blame. Tonight I was helping Carter study for a science test on weather. I asked him to define climate. Jim the homework helper says: "You find a mountain and you climate." Good luck on that test, Carter!

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