Sunday, June 29, 2008

Feeling my age already?

Rarely have I stayed in a hotel where I get a good night's sleep. I figured after all of yesterday's activities, I would have slept like a log. No such luck. I woke up tired and really feeling the impact of all that fun -- volleyball, running bases, etc.

I saw a T-shirt a few weeks ago that I was tempted to buy for this weekend. It said: "Look like 30; Act like 20; Feel like 60; So I must be 40." That's how I was feeling today!

We headed back home around noon after dropping Carter off at my parents' house. This is Carter's annual Up North Vacation week so I'm sure you'll be hearing more about that this week. He'll be headquartered at my sister Romey's house and then farmed out for fun to my other siblings during the week. I am sure he'll be too busy to miss us!

On the way home, we stopped to visit hubby's aunt and uncle in Marshfield, then dropped the boys off at their mother's and came home to unload my birthday goodies and unpack. Jim's parent's stopped by for awhile, too. What a full weekend.

I am ready to call Carter to say "Goodnight" then hit the sack. Part of me looks forward to a quiet week but the bigger part of me will miss my baby! Maybe Jim and I will have so much fun, we won't have time to miss Carter either. For tonight, though, it's two ibuprofen and lights out.

Isn't it fun to be 40?!

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