Monday, June 16, 2008

Writing Prompt

I'm getting that urge to write again. I mean, yeah, I write 3-5 paragraphs a day on this blog, but I mean serious writing. As in my Bucket List plan to write a book some day.

One of the magazines my company publishes focuses on writing. It's for people who write for their personal enjoyment and those who want to break into the Best Seller list and those who want credit for the next Hollywood screen play and so on. This magazine is always running contests and, unfortunately, as an employee, I am not eligible to enter.

However, for the current contest, the big annual one, I've been helping open entries and sort them for judging. I get to glance at the contents but don't have time to read through anything. (There are thousands of entries!) However, it's just enough to get me thinking about putting pen to paper, er, fingers to keyboard, to get some thoughts and plots down.

Where to start? That's the hard part. What do I really want to write about? Will it be fiction or the real deal? My life or something more amusing or inspiring? I see parts of my life story in this blog. But I would need to sell more than 2 dozen books to make a living (ha).

Sometimes in writing class, we'd get a writing prompt -- either a topic or an opening and/or closing line to get our gears turning. Got anything for me? Otherwise, Carter just informed me I should be writing about the fossilized dinosaur poop he got to touch today at Kidz Camp! You don't see that on the Best Seller list every day.


Ron Hedberg said...

I nearly ignored the late afternoon phone call that Friday. Caller ID gave no clue what stranger was calling. But after hesitating, I turned around and picked it up. Moments later, I nearly had to pick myself up off the floor. I was stunned.

A few in my network of friends and coworkers had decided I should be the one to deliver the keynote address at the national conference later this year. The range of topics spun through my head. People would expect a talk about the latest popular topics. But, if this might be a once-in-a-lifetime event, I knew I had to stray from that tradition. This was my chance to speak from the heart. This would be my chance to influence my legacy.

Little did I know what life lessons I would learn in the coming months...

Rayna Delaney said...

Here's a quote from "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle-
"Instead of seeing yourself as a famous writer, see yourself inspiring countless people with your work and enriching their lives." YOU DO THIS ALREADY, KEEP IT UP!

Ron Hedberg said...

Also check out Writing as a Way of Thinking article in Bob Buford's Muse-Letter archives.

The second part has some formatting issues. But it is readable if you highlight the text or have a wide screen.

For those approaching or well over 40, Bob is one of the leaders, if not the leader, of encouraging people around half-time to finish well and move from success to significance.