Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Into the Wild

Guest blogger alert :: Carter will give you an update on summer...

Hello, Earth readers:

Kidz Camp is going great. Every week we have a theme. Last week was American Idol Week. This week's theme is Into the Wild Week.

Today we went to Taylor Field in Iola. We walked half of a mile to get there. We checked out microscopic creatures in the lake there. We saw some baby leeches, seed shrimp, backswimmers, and ferbilex worms (They're like tiny eels. Their width is about smaller than the lead in a mechanical pencil.) Very interesting.

Did you know frogs have three eyelids? One is for underwater and they work like goggles. We didn't learn about the other eyelids. I hope to learn about the other eyelids.

My other water experiences is that I am in swimming lessons right now. That's at the pool right at Kidz Camp. I am also taking golf lessons which are really exciting.

My favorite part about Kidz Camp so far is health and fitness because it is fun getting exercise every day. Oh yeah, it's nice to be going to Shivers again!

From the Wild,


Ron Hedberg said...

That sounds like fun.

Things I learned today, inspired by Carter:

Frogs have fairly good eyesight, which helps them in capturing food and avoiding enemies. A frog's eyes bulge out, enabling the animal to see in almost all directions. Frogs can close their eyes by pulling the eyeballs deeper into their sockets. This action closes the upper and lower eyelids. Most species also have a thin, partly clear inner eyelid attached to the bottom lid. This inner eyelid, called the nictitating membrane, can be moved upward when a frog's eyes are open. It protects the eyes without completely cutting off vision.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carter - enjoyed your report. I don't think "up north" can compete with all your activities at KIDZ CAMP! sounds like lots of fun! Thanks for writing! Aunt Romey