Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drive-Thru Doctorin'

We've sort of joked about the short hospital stays for new moms and called them "drive-thru deliveries," but it is amazing what can be done medically in a brief amount of time in what they call "outpatient" procedures.

We were at the hospital well before dawn today for Jim's knee surgery. By 7 they were shooting him up with the pain killers and by 8 surgery was under way. We were home by 10:30 a.m. Now that is what you call outpatient.

Here I brought two books with me plus two snacks for the long haul. I didn't even get a crack at those! I hardly had time to worry!

They allowed me in his pre-op room so I got to witness them cleaning the incision areas -- after shaving off those few hairs he missed. Queasy me wisely turned my head when they were inserting the IV and doing the "knee block" -- like an epidural for the knee.

I sort of felt like an expert after watching so much Grey's. But that was not the cool part.

Remember awhile back I was relaying my near brush with a celebrity when I wrote about a surgeon who had moved here from California and his patient, the dirty dancin' Patrick Swayze, flew to Rapids for a post-op visit? Well that doctor was Jim's doctor! I tell ya, we got the best surgeon money (or our insurance coverage) could buy.

Seriously, he's a good surgeon and he remembered me and that story when he came into Jim's room. So he has fixed up both my favorite dancers now. That is way cool.

I'd have to say he must have done an outstanding job. So far, Jim is not even ornery yet. Who would be if they had a servant on hand? I didn't give him a bell to use but I am getting good at hearing him from two rooms away.

Now, we'll see how the night plays out -- and the morning. The knee may be painful by then. But hopefully not. I mean it wouldn't be fair to the inlaws to have a crabby couch potato on hand. What would they find to be thankful for?

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

You were probably on the computer doing this blog when your hubby hobbled to the phone to answer our phone call. :) He sounded quite chipper and said he felt good. Hopefully, it wasn't the pain killers "talking."