Thursday, November 6, 2008

Raptor Wrap-up

Carter's first season of tackle football officially drew to a close tonight with a Rapids Raptors banquet and awards ceremony.

Each participant received a medallion with their name and football number engraved on the back. Carter (and many others) also received a neat trophy/award for perfect attendance (every single practice and game). They look really nice.

As part of the banquet, they also had a surprise guest speaker, Blaze Winters, an ex-NFL football player turned motivational speaker. Back in the '80s and '90s, he played for the Packers, Colts and Chargers.

Even if the 5th- and 6th-graders didn't know who he was, I think they were impressed that he used to play pro football. He had a good message to them about believing in themselves even if they aren't the biggest or the fastest. And told parents how he learned his life lessons (team work, self confidence, responsibility, etc) on the football field.

We thought for sure Carter (Mr. Undecided about next year) would be all pumped up about playing again after meeting this guy. But he still isn't sure. Oh well, there's plenty of time for that campaign. In the meantime, we have many good memories from his first season and, perhaps, that learning thing even started already.

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