Friday, November 7, 2008

Work at Home

Since the first quarter ended yesterday, there was no school today. I know. They just had the teacher convention last week and were off another Friday in October. I feel like I'm the queen of long weekends (which I don't mind), but I've learned my "off" days are just as busy as work days!

A good chunk of my day was spent preparing for tomorrow, when I am at an all-day crop-toberfest fall festival scrapbooking extravaganza thingy. I will be working on my 2007 album so I was getting things in order for that to make it a productive day.

I had to go into town for my annual female exam with Dr. Fun. Then it was off to the mall for a birthday gift and then two other stores. When my errands were crossed off the list, I treated Carter to a movie for being so patient and good.

We went to see Madagascar 2. We've seen the first one on DVD countless times. I'm not saying I love it, but it's entertaining enough I was willing to sit through the sequel. The movie was fine and the popcorn was great, of course!

On the way home, it started snowing! By coincidence, my sister called from Texas. She was trying out a restaurant us "girls" might like next week. Who cares about the food?! Just get me somewhere warm without the snow!

That reminds me. I should think about what I am going to be packing one of these days. I just couldn't find the time on my day off. I'll probably get to it Monday, on a work day instead of a run-my-errands work-at-home day! Whew. Time to catch my breath.

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