Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What happens at Sisters Weekend...

Five of my sisters and I are taking off today for our annual "Wild Women's Weekend" -- which, in truth, is not all that wild. But the name stuck so we use it.

Six of us will fly together from Minneapolis (yes, heaven help the airline) and my sister Rayna and hubby Paul will great us down at the Harlingen, Texas, airport. After we get settled at their place in Pharr, the brother-in-law will get lost for a few days while we talk and laugh and cry and talk and laugh some more.

By Sunday, we'll be tired and hopefully relaxed before heading back up to the snowy Midwest. Between now and then, we'll have some interesting adventures. None of my other sisters have been down there yet so Texas, Mexico and Rayna's lovely home will be a surprise for them. Two of my sisters have never seen the ocean, so a day on South Padre Island will be a treat for all!

I haven't decided yet if I am blogging "on location." Usually what happens at Sisters Weekend, stays at Sisters Weekend. We'll just have to play it by ear. Hopefully, I'll have the smarts to stay away from computers and email all together!

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