Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Animal Farm

Years ago, I had this weird fascination with the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. I remember reading it in high school because we had to. Then I later bought my own copy so I could read it again. There is so much symbolism. And even on the surface, it's just creepy to consider animals taking over -- and ousting humans.

I think about it occasionally when we have some weird "animal" disease killing off humans. Bird Flu. Mad Cow Disease. And now Swine Flu.

Now I've got you thinking!

To me, it's just a good reminder to wash our hands (and our food). I'm not a germ-o-phobe in the least. I don't think mothers can be, can we? But I do think it's wise to consider easy carriers for germs -- whether it's for a simple cold or something deadly.

There was a trivia question on the radio about "public" surfaces that carry the most germs. Really, it's not just the toilet seat! But while you're in the bathroom, turning the faucet off with your hand often negates washing it to begin with. Use a towel if you can.

Did you know that menus are a good source of germs? The next time you're in your favorite greasy spoon, place your order then wash your hands before you eat. A good practice anyway.

I never gave shopping carts much thought but they have to be the worst! Think about how long a person grips it. Now when I see a teething kid sucking on the cart bar, I want to puke!

OK, let's not get grossed out here. You get my point. And I must add I am grateful for my health today. And a little less jealous of people who went to Mexico on spring break. I hope they remain healthy, too.

I did notice, though, that even though it's been 6 months since I was in Mexico, I am starting to develop some curious symptoms. My hubby claims I hog the blankets. I'm eating like a pig. And my desk is a sty...

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