Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beyond Our Control

We arranged to leave work early today so we could get to the middle son's school for an open house/teacher conference. Since we had never set foot inside the "alternative" school, it was important for us to be there to check out this mysterious learning environment.

Unfortunately, when we got there (right at 5 when it was scheduled to start), there was a note taped to the door that said, "Due to circumstances beyond our control, the open house is postponed until next Wednesday."

Circumstances beyond our control? Hmm. Wonder what that could be. We certainly spent a few minutes speculating with some creative ideas. But we doubt it was anything so dramatic. And frankly, does it matter? If it was out of their control, it certainly is out of ours, too. Just like most things in life, right?

Right now I have two uncles recovering in hospitals from heart surgery and a stroke. What happens next is certainly beyond our control, but that doesn't stop me from praying for a speedy (and uneventful) recovery for them both.

This week, a woman who worked at our company (in our Cincinnati office) passed away. She was younger than me and had just been in for a routine foot surgery. During recovery -- at home -- she developed a blood clot and died. That whole situation is beyond our control, but I am praying God will provide comfort for her family and the co-workers who knew her best.

In the last day or two at work, I have latched onto some stress I can't seem to release. Right now I am trying to determine what part of this I really can control and what is simply beyond. I imagine when this headache goes away that means I've figured it out.

I recall my mother's struggle to teach us kids some common sense. She tried to lead by example but you know the old saying about leading a horse to water... She just couldn't make us have common sense. That part of the equation was beyond her control.

In our refrigerator we have taken to labeling our water bottles with a Sharpee so we can reuse them a few times before recycling. D for Dad, M for Mom, C for Carter. The point of labeling them should be obvious. My name, my bottle. But there's that common sense thing again...

This morning, Daddy mentioned how he got up during the night because he was thirsty after eating salty pizza for supper. But when he got to the fridge, something was missing. So, he asked, "Has anyone seen my water bottle?" Carter responds, "Oh, the one with the D on it? That's in my room by my bed."

Ahh, yes. Sometimes things are beyond our control... including the ability to hold back an eye roll and a laugh.

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