Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just Jokin'

I was on guard today for an April Fool's joke from the guys, but none were forthcoming. Maybe they feel bad for me and my crazy work situation these days. Or maybe they'll wait to spring something on me when I least expect it!

I'll have to say it was rather boring at the library today without Carter to entertain me with trivial facts and sometimes funny jokes. It sure beats the conversations I have with the committee in my head! My highlight of the day was helping a guy find his wallet he'd dropped in the library. From where I sit in my "corner office" (booth), I was just at the right angle to see it under a chair. He was quite grateful. No reward or anything but he kept saying, "This makes for a great story!"

After "work," I picked up Carter at the sitter's and we headed over to Waupaca to meet up with Daddy for a baby shower for some friends of ours at work. Carter's a big fan of theirs so was happy to be able to go along. He was also in his element, chit-chatting with all the people we work with (he's met them before at various get-togethers -- and some have babysat him).

I couldn't get over how comfortable he felt with the adults versus the "little kids." Like he's getting so old now. He had an arsenal of jokes to tell so he was loving the attention. One of our friends who met him for the first time said, "He's such a little Jim!" I wasn't sure if she meant the physical resemblance or the ability to capture an audience with good storytelling. Either way, that's a compliment! Some of the guys told Carter they'd see him again this summer so he better brush up on his jokes and have some new material by then.

As long as he's concentrating on those jokes, hopefully I can let my guard down until next April 1st. Hopefully.

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