Thursday, April 30, 2009

Music Around the World

I never thought I'd hear myself say, "Wow, Carter played a pretty wicked xylophone tonight!" But I'm saying it.

Grant Elementary presented a Music Around the World concert tonight as part of their first ever Fine Arts Night. This is one of those things where just yesterday Carter says, "Mom, I have to be in a concert tomorrow night. I'm singing and playing the xylophone. So I have to go."

Of course, you should go. And nice notice.

This of course meant Carter had to "skip" the second baseball practice of the year. Good thing he has an understanding coach. And he had to get some "spring" dress-up clothes. So we book it to Wal-Mart when we get home and find some extra-long khaki pants (why do they think all boys are tall!) and a pink polo shirt. He looked pretty good.

The gym was packed so it was very hard to take pictures, but I tried.

Group shot of the fifth-graders singing one of their three songs. They did a great job with a Ray Charles song called "Fifty Nifty United States," which Carter said they started practicing in October. Hey, I don't think I could say the 50 states so fast, let alone sing them! It was neat.

Carter jams on the xylophone during an American railroad song called "Pat Works on the Railway." He said he missed one note, but I didn't hear it!

The whole program only lasted 30 minutes so I guess it was worth it to buy the new outfit, skip practice and get home in time for Carter to play with the neighbor girls and Mommy to watch Grey's. Gotta go. It's starting!

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