Friday, April 17, 2009

Just a Glimpse

I know I wasn't the only one thrilled that the weather men (and ladies) were right today. They said we'd see 70 degrees and then some. And we did. Nice!

Tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same so, of course, we had an impossible day at work, trying to stay on task while visions of driving and putting danced in our heads. By the time hubby and I do get our clubs out of the basement and set for the season, the weather will be back to typical Wisconsin spring -- rainy and highs of 40 on Sunday. Today and Saturday, though, we'll get a glimpse of what is yet to come. And we'll take it.

I wanted so badly to get outside more today but was limited to a short walk with Jim around lunch time. Just being out in the glorious sunshine for 10 minutes made it very hard to return to work. It's probably best I don't sit by a window any more.

After work, we picked up Carter at the sitter's. Today was the first day of the garage sale and, thanks to the perfect weather, she had a ton of traffic. I could see some of my stuff was missing (yay!). Tomorrow morning, I'll be over there bright and early to help out until Carter's soccer game in the afternoon. Two reasons to hope for more spring-like weather!

We went into town tonight to stop at a "crawling art show" at the mall. Still not exactly sure what that means but it is tied to Earth Day weekend and the upcoming Prairie Chicken festival somewhere nearby.

The main reason we stopped there is because a high school classmate of Jim's was in town from the Twin Cities, exhibiting at a booth there. Since we've only seen her at the last two class reunions, it was nice to catch up.

Christine is doing work at The Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, Minn. It is a no-kill rescue facility providing humane rescue and sheltering of unwanted, mistreated and neglected privately owned wildcats that pose a risk to public safety. Some very sad stories. Very eye-opening. She's helping to do some incredible work! If you are interested in donating or "adopting" a wildcat or just learning more, visit (Note for my sister Rayna: You could adopt a lion!)

After looking around the other exhibits, we went out to eat and stopped to get a few groceries (essentials like Gatorade for soccer). Typical that we weren't in the house 5 minutes before a neighbor girl was over for Carter. Where does he get that charm? Hmmm. He keeps dragging these girls to his room to show them the new windows and paint job. Right. I better go chaperone.

Enjoy this beautiful glimpse of spring!


Anonymous said...

Hey, that Wildlife Sanctuary is just a short drive from our house-if you ever get over this way maybe we should check it out! Are those glasses making Carter appear even more charming? Sounds like he needs an appointment calendar for all those girls! Love, Ro

Anonymous said...

OOPS! I guess it is WildCat Sanctuary, not Wildlife. Ro

Robyn Austin said...

Yes, it is close to you! But they don't do visits or tours like a zoo unless a person sponsors an animal... or perhaps knows someone who works there. We'll have to see :)