Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring has Sprung (for now)

In Wisconsin, we can never really safely say Spring is here because about that time, we'll get one of those surprise snow showers that melt within hours -- but are a nuisance nonetheless. But I'll go out on a limb and say I think it's here to stay.

You know it's spring in Wisconsin when:

... I actually get the urge (gasp!) to exercise -- running, walking, biking, golfing -- anything outdoors to smell the fresh air and feel the sunshine!

... You see blue jays, orioles and cardinals -- in your backyard and the ball diamonds on TV.

... You see someone wearing shorts -- and they're not playing sports. (It helps when people are returning from spring break in warm places like Mexico so they can show off their tan!)

... Even though temps start out in the 30s, we can pop a few windows open in the morning when we leave for work because we know it will warm up later. (Though we're still a bit nervous if these new windows will withstand some kitty pressure against the screen. Let's hope so.)

... The fourth quarter of school is under way. That means the oldest -- suffering from an acute case of senior-itis -- has to keep his mind in the game for a successful high school transcript. And the other two, well, they better kick it in high gear, too!

... Garage sale signs start popping up. The sale I do with Carter's sitter is this weekend. I still am finding things to price -- and expect I'll find a whole lot more to go when I continue my massive de-cluttering project between now and graduation.

... Soccer season is here. Carter had his first practice tonight and his first game is Saturday. He did not play in the fall because he had football, but it appears he hasn't lost his touch. We got his schedule today, too. All of his games will be at 2 p.m. so that will shoot our Saturdays. Good thing he's worth it.

... The days are longer -- in more ways than one. It's lighter out longer and the days seem longer at work because my major deadline is looming. I guess I'm grateful the worst part of this project will be over by summer. Don't get me wrong. I like spring well enough -- and do hope it's here to stay -- but I wouldn't want to give up summer for anything.

Let's keep springing towards summer -- and enjoy ourselves every bounce along the way!

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