Monday, April 6, 2009


Things are feeling back to normal today. Carter is in school again and baseball season is under way.

Back to school meant it was the first day Carter's classmates got to see his new specs. "There was lots of names being thrown around today," he said. I expected something along the lines of "four eyes" but he said they were more like "genius" and "Einstein." I said that's not so bad. "Mom, they were being sarcastic." Duh.

Today marked the fourth-quarter "opener" so Carter brought his third-quarter report card home. I was thrilled to see the grades in almost all of his classes went up. But, of course being a mom I had to ask why the math grade went down. Carter didn't really have an answer but Daddy pointed out, "I don't think that will keep him out of college." True. Guess I should keep it in perspective.

Baseball season is officially off and running. Neither of us got to see our teams in action, though. Hubby's Reds were on TV -- but during the afternoon, so he couldn't watch them (lose, unfortunately).

The Twins opened at home in their last season at the Dome. They are rarely on TV over here in central Wisconsin so I hope to see them in person this summer. Tonight they lost to the Mariners, which likely will be Carter's new favorite team since Ken Griffey Jr. moved over there from the White Sox in the off season. I don't dislike Seattle as much as Chicago, so I'll probably be OK with that. I will not, however, be content with a Twins' losing season.

Wait, what was that lesson I learned earlier today? Oh yeah, I need to put it in perspective. We've got 160-some more chances for wins. Go Twins!

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