Monday, April 27, 2009


I remember now why I left the newspaper business. Sure I enjoyed the writing and the adrenaline rush at deadline. But I do not miss those long hours -- every day!

I just got home from a 14-plus hour day at work. (No, I don't get overtime -- just crunch time.). I am so beat right now I don't even know if I will fall asleep! Thankfully this is not a routine occurrence. I do expect a few more long days before my work project launches next week, but nothing like today. I hope.

I'm getting too old for this! Plus, I miss my guys (and fighting about homework).

At least I can say it was a productive day. I got a lot done that I needed to so I'm cruising along now.

I might even sleep in until 5 tomorrow morning. Depends how many times I hit the snooze! (Poor hubby.)

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

Thank goodness for light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel or atleast sunrise of another great day!