Sunday, April 26, 2009

April Showers...

Somehow the month of April slipped past us. It is going so fast. It was pretty much work, work, cold, then more work, work, nice day, and more work, work, work and rain. This whole weekend has been work, rain, work, rain. And between showers, try to have quality family time.

This morning I headed out the door for work around 5 a.m. Had a rainy drive over to Iola so that did little to wake me up. While I was chugging coffee at my desk, Daddy got Carter to Sunday School and got laundry going.

I put in an intensive 5 hours and turned around and came home by noon. It was still raining so I selfishly felt good that I wasn't missing out on anything like sunny, deck time. Glad our plans for afternoon quality time were indoors, too.

Today was the Royal Event -- an annual fund-raising festival at Assumption High School, featuring food, beer, auction, bingo and all kinds of booths with food, jewelry and themed baskets for sale. We were meeting our friends Mike and Christine there to help celebrate her dad's birthday and have as much fun as a rainy Sunday will allow. Thanks to the tents overhead, their son Nate and Carter were still able to spend plenty of time "outside" and out of our hair while we relaxed, laughed and talked stupid -- like adults need to do occasionally.

By the time we got home after 4, I can tell you my body hit a wall after getting up so early. My wonderful hubby says, "Why don't you get some comfy clothes on (seriously, he meant comfy, not sexy) and sit on the couch and I'll cover you with the blankets. There's a surprise on TV for you!"

He didn't have to tell me twice! I was on the couch in 2 minutes! My surprise? The MLB Network was replaying highlights of the Twins' 1991 World Series victory over Altanta. I missed most of it but we caught the last half hour -- which was the best anyway. I got goose bumps just watching it again (does my hubby know how to please me or what?).

Of course, when it was done, I was psyched up, thinking of our wonderful Twins. Then remembered it's 2009. We're off to a rough start and have a long way to go this season. But that's OK. I'm still a fan.

In fact, I might put my Homer Hanky on my pillow tonight so I have sweet dreams. Lord knows I will be tempted to hit that alarm with a baseball bat when it goes off again at 4:15!

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