Saturday, April 11, 2009

Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know...
-- The Clash (1981)

I was thinking of this catchy '80s tune by The Clash today. I was facing a closet full of toys and games that featured many prime candidates for the garage sale. Should it stay? Or should it go?

I didn't want to be solely responsible -- though I knew there were plenty of entertainment items I hadn't seen Carter entertain himself with in years. So while Daddy and I were out hunting down the last Easter treats at the store, Carter went through the game room closet and decided what should stay and go.

I had asked him to put everything in a pile in the middle of the floor and I'd take care of dusting it and pricing it. I guess he wasn't keen on touching games with dust or cobwebs on them because when I opened the closet, everything that should go was marked with an X on a sticky note. And we wonder why we can't find a Post-It note when we need one.

I found a few more things to add to the "go" pile. Ended up taking two loads over to the babysitter's since she is already setting up (behind the closed doors) for next weekend's sale. We hope the weather will be as nice as today: 50s and sunny. Awesome!

By the time I got done with price-tagging and doing Saturday cleaning, it was midafternoon. I called my neighbor across the street. "Have you put any miles on your legs yet today?" I asked. Luckily she hadn't. (The walk always goes quicker when you've got someone to talk to.) So we did our 3-mile route -- in short sleeves I might add!

It was so nice, we planned to grill tonight. We even exchanged out propane tank so we'd be set for the season. I had assumed it was empty and that was why our grill didn't work when we tried it a few weeks ago. I was wrong.

I think it has something to do with the fact that it's 10 years old and the igniter (which I've duct-taped into place the past 2 summers) doesn't want to work anymore. Could it be gas grills aren't meant to last 10 years? All I know is if we get a new one, it better come already assembled. I recall about 8 million parts that had to go together for this one. Hubby claims he's blocked out that experience from his memory. I can't say I blame him!

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