Saturday, April 4, 2009

Work Day

Who cares if it's the weekend? No one escaped a work day around here today.

While I was at the library for hopefully the last time (for work anyway), hubby was painting the hallway and Carter was "organizing" his room so he could move back in there after two weeks in the basement (we kicked him out during window installation and room painting).

By the time I got home from town in the early afternoon, we were all done with the work part of the day and ready to relax. Since the weather was nice again (high 40s), I decided to walk to the gas station and get our Powerball tickets set. This time I just took a direct route to and back so it was just 4 miles. But that felt good and helped ease my guilty conscience after not "moving" all week. Sometimes work gets in the way of the best intentions to exercise. (I know. I always seem to have an excuse!)

Since Carter found a few things to discard from his room, I priced those up for the upcoming garage sale at the babysitter's. Jim ran some tables over there already so next week we can just drive our stuff over. We probably won't have much. On nice sunny days, I'm just not that motivated to be sorting through things and slapping on price tags. Tomorrow, since the forecast calls for crappy with a good chance of sloppy, Carter and I will hit the playroom in the basement and see what treasures we can find for the sale. I have a feeling there are a few toys and games down there that Carter outgrew a few shoe sizes ago!

Tonight, while it still seems like spring, Carter is playing with the neighbor kids outside somewhere (hopefully not crashing into anything in the dark and breaking his glasses) and hubby is drinking a few beers with the guys around a campfire next door.

I actually had full control of the remote for an hour and what did I watch? Basketball! What is wrong with me? If any of you saw the Michigan State game, you'd know it was a good watch. Now, I almost have to watch the second game tonight to see if it's as good.

Unless, of course, Pretty Woman or Dirty Dancing is on. I've only seen them 43 times each...

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