Monday, August 17, 2009

A Mad, Mad World

I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed that hubby and I have become chronic couch potatoes the past week in our quest to watch 26 episodes of the first 2 seasons of Mad Men before this week's season 3 premiere.

The goal was to be done to watch the new show at 9 p.m. last night. We came up short.

The good news is that it re-airs tonight at 10 p.m. so I can watch the last 2 episodes in time. Jim stayed up late and saw them last night so he's looking forward to seeing what transpires.

Why the fascination? We're still not sure. There's hardly a likable character on the show but it's highly entertaining and enlightening (in a fictional sort of way) to observe life in the '60s... Drinking and smoking at work, on airplanes, everywhere but church. No seat belts. No shame in littering. And what I consider subservient housewives. Dinner on the table when hardworking hubby arrives home from the office each night. The wife never wins an argument. It's always praise, praise, praise for her mate.

At one point yesterday Jim handed me a pen and notebook so I could take notes. My how times have changed. Now husbands and wives can joke with each other!

I mean, he was joking, right?

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