Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Bug Project :: Part 2

I've heard it said many times that the more things change, the more they stay the same. What I want to know is why can't there be an opposite yet equal nugget of wisdom advising that the more things stay the same, the more they must change?

Awhile back I wrote a blog about The Bug Project. In a nutshell, it was a reminder that as parents we can't and shouldn't do everything for our children. No matter how painful it is to watch, we have to let them succeed on their own and fail on their own. They need to learn from their mistakes and move forward. God will support them... and us parents.

I have quickly surmised there is a direct connection between The Bug Project and the Serenity Prayer. Not only do we have to let our children fail. If they don't mind it, we can't change them. We can't make them want to do better.

Now that's frustrating!

We learned this morning that the much-loved truant in our lives is not welcome back at the "alternative" institute for higher learning. They don't want him there unless he is willing to change. Unless he is willing to put forth some effort. Walk the walk -- don't just talk the talk. They want change. They want results.

Welcome to the club.

We all know what's best for him. But we can't make that happen unless he wants to make that happen. In the mean time, we just love him, watch him fail and pray for guidance and wisdom.

And that's parenting.

On the light side -- and I do try to find one -- change can happen when you least expect it. And it's not always a bad thing.

Carter and I went to our 6-month dental checkups this afternoon and he was informed that his baby teeth are all gone now. So he's going to have to find a new source of income and, thank god, we don't have to worry about that darn Tooth Fairy screwing up any more!

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