Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Beginnings

It seems appropriate that what feels like the end of summer (frost advisory tonight) also signals a time of new changes in our life...

Proud Parents of a College Student: We took Casey out to eat last night for a sort of "last supper" before he headed off to UW-Eau Claire this morning. He seems pretty laid back for starting this all-important chapter in his life. But then, that's guys. Who cares what color his towels are (just glad he has some) or that all of his clothes fit in one suitcase (they have laundry rooms)? He was pretty set to go. And, even though we don't see him that often, we are missing him already. When he called this morning after arriving on campus, I thought, wow, he misses us already, too! Nah, just needed some insurance numbers. Welcome to the world of our child needing us less and less. Sob, sob, sniff...

The New Pastors are Here! It was a year ago this weekend that the two pastors at my church departed -- one for a new calling and the other for retirement. We had an interim leader in place most of the time since then, but today, we welcomed a husband-and-wife pastoral team. First impressions were good. When the wife joked about changes she'd be implementing -- like no more potlucks unless the "salads" actually have vegetables in them instead of mainly Jell-O and Cool Whip -- I knew right away I'd like her sense of humor. Now we'll see what real changes they have in mind and if they are able to turn around some of the negativity. I'll give it some time. (You know me. Loaded with patience!)

Favre Fever: No, I am not ready to jump on the Brett Bandwagon. I am just announcing that my running shoes are coming out of retirement. Actually, I bought new ones so I am the one coming off the "inactive" list. I'm inspired that someone old like Brett -- well, younger than me but old for his sport. (Yeah, that's it.) -- still thinks he can be as active as a 30-year-old. So why not me? I might as well get back into a regular fitness routine again. I mean I have been breaking in the new shoes (it's like my own pre-season) and loving them. So I'm gonna do it. And we'll see who lasts longer this season.

C-c-cold Front: I was serious about the frost advisory for tonight. Knowing we're going to start having cool nights again (and that may be until next June), we cleaned out our hot tub tonight and we'll fill it tomorrow night. It should be nice and toasty by the weekend. In the mean time, I've got my electric mattress pad. And you thought I was crazy for keeping that on the bed all summer!

Oh, you just thought I was crazy? Well, new beginnings blah blah blah. Maybe I'll change...

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