Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chilling Out

This will have to be brief since hubby just informed me the fresh water in the hot tub has already reached ideal temperature. Yay! What a perfect way to relax on this crisp autumn-like night!

Today was a good day. Hubby started out at the chiropractor but his trips there are far less frequent now. He goes back in 2 weeks when we have another "joint appointment." It's beginning to sound like couple's therapy, isn't it?

Work was much better today. I sweet-talked to my computer so all was good. I survived 24 hours without my BlackBerry and got that back this morning so all was really good!

Communicated with Casey a bit. First day of classes as a college student went just fine. Son #2 made it to school again, too, so we're on a roll!

Carter didn't have any homework yet -- besides reading, which he said he'll do each night from 8-8:30. We'll see how long that lasts. Last night he said, "Now don't worry about what I'm reading, Mom." So I'm thinking the worst when I went to check on him (read: spy). And what do I find him reading? The dictionary!

He was looking up a word for his teacher and then just casually reading. Right. I don't know that I buy that. But the thing with books is they don't have a "browser history" like the computer so I can't really spy on what else he might be looking up. I guess I just have to trust this quest for knowledge (for now).

Actually, he's reading right now so I should probably log off and spy, er, check in on him. See if he needs any help.

Then it's out the back door and into heated bliss :)

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