Sunday, September 13, 2009

Scheduling Conflict

It's officially football season. Yay! But wait, racing season isn't quite over yet. Now what?

As much as I would've loved to see Adrian Peterson's stellar day, we instead found our way up to Marshfield to watch our nephew Colin have a stellar day of his own!

Today was a special race day. They had an 80-lap Challenge series race that brought in a lot of late models. As a bonus for the fans, they had super stock and 4-cylinder features (much shorter) as well. So we got to see #87 once again start towards the back, move up to the lead and kick tail.

It really is no longer a question of IF he'll win, it's "How many laps will it take to move up to the front?"

I like daytime races. This was one of the few times I didn't have to bundle up! It would have been too nice to sit inside and watch TV anyway. Plus, I am an expert at avoidance. I am so not ready to see that No. 4 on our sidelines. Can you blame me?

It'll always be family B-4 Favre 4 me!

Colin gets a victory cheer in the Winner's Circle from his dad.

Oh I almost forgot ... Colin made the cover of Midwest racing magazine. Click here to read about the "young gun." Way cool!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog - I already read that article in the actual magazine - Midwest Racing! Rick & Eric went to Cedar Lake Speedway Sat night for some special Sprint Car races - hundreds of cars and ol timer cars, too. Eric went up to the concesions and came back to Rick with the magazine, saw the front and said "Isn't that Jim & Robyn's nephew, the one you guys saw?" Sure enuf! What a nice article - tell Colin I so enjoyed reading about all his accomplishments - and the article was right when it said in so many words that he is such a nice kid (guy). Glad you all had fun! Romey & Rick & Eric