Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Apparently all I needed was a dose of Doctors McDreamy and McSteamy to get myself out from under the weather. Just knowing the 2-hour season premiere of Grey's starts in less than an hour has me feeling better already!

I do have to give some credit to the fact I went to bed early last night. Nothing was on TV to hold my interest. I actually found myself watching Dancing with the Stars. I knew less than 5 of the alleged "stars" but stayed tuned to it because they promised a Patrick Swayze tribute. I know, I couldn't believe my good luck. (Too bad it didn't carry over to the Powerball. Oh well, there's always Saturday.)

My back felt better today and my stomach was only a bit queasy compared to yesterday. I decided to distract myself by doing two things.

One, I went running at lunch. Call me whacko (and people I live with already do), but when I'm feeling crappy, a run tends to make me feel better. I know. All in my head, blah, blah, blah, but it worked.

Two, I emailed random Grey's trivia questions throughout the day to other McFans at work. The contest (with no prize) actually certainly helped the day fly by -- and got us all psyched for tonight's premiere.

I had to whip through my grocery shopping and get laundry going so there will be no distractions. Not even the Schwan's man can drag me away from the TV tonight.

But I may be up for an ice cream break.

See? Getting back to my old self already.

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