Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Stuff

I just realized it's almost 10 o'clock and I never did get around to my Saturday cleaning routine (dust, vacuum, sweep, etc.). Whoops. I guess I got busy.

I did start out the day on the right note and went running. I love my new running shoes. They almost do the running for me. (I wish!) They should for what I paid for them! I guess as long as the financial guilt gets me out on the road, then I'll start burning some calories.

After I got back and showered and dressed, Carter and I headed south to the Adams Flea Market. (Adams is about 30 miles south of Rapids.) There was something there I heard I could find -- and did -- but I can't tell you since it's a surprise for my upcoming sister weekend! I can tell you Carter found a few things (of course) and I bought some books (of course).

On the way home, I had my second ice cream disappointment of the week. The first was Friday when I looked forward to stopping at King Cone on the way home from work "one last time." We get there and it was already closed for the season! Break my heart! Today it was just a screwed up order that I had to live with. It was supposed to be mint ice cream with some chocolate cookie or something in it. Instead it was chocolate ice cream with a mint cookie. Well I'm one of those weird people that really does not like chocolate ice cream, so I was sorely disappointed. Are the ice cream gods out to get me?!!? Between this and the running shoes, I might just lose some weight! Imagine that!

This afternoon, Carter had a friend over. While they were playing I decided to get domestic. Seriously, I did. A friend gave me some apples from her yard so I cut some up and made homemade apple crisp. This is the recipe from my mom that I've had forever. It lists several ingredients with the chopped up apples or a person can just use a can of pie filling. You know me. I've always opted for the pie filling. I tell ya, it sure turned out good the other way, though! Especially when we ate some while it was still warm from the oven, topped with a little bit of Schwan's vanilla ice cream. (Yes, I finally got my ice cream, darn it!)

I also spent some time today getting a few things ready for the Wild Women's Weekend next weekend (which starts Wednesday night for me). Can't tell you what I worked on but I am getting very excited for this annual get-together!

While I was doing all this, hubby finally got out golfing! He took it easy swinging (so he says). We'll see how his back is feeling in the morning. It's been almost 2 months since he's gone. Good thing we've had this streak of summer weather this week so he could go again.

After supper, we went to a wedding dance for the son of Carter's after-school sitter. We had only planned on staying until 9:30 because we've got church and the first day of Sunday School in the morning. Well Carter had a friend there so he was not happy to be leaving.

So now I've got Mr. Cranky I better go tuck in -- who seems to have forgotten about the fun day he had. I could get him up even earlier and drag him out running with me. I can just blame it on the shoes, right?

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