Monday, November 9, 2009

Adding 'em Up

I don't need to reveal anyone's deep, dark secrets here. Just know that I am feeling grateful today. I am counting my blessings -- family, friends, health, employment -- and still adding 'em up...

Sometimes Monday's come and bite you in the arse. But today was good for me. I got some things done at work this morning that I have been trying to actually get to work (techno stuff). That was a good feeling.

Over lunch hour I went to the fitness center and had a good workout. This afternoon, I got to help set up books for a big sale we're having this weekend. Lots of good stuff. If you are in the market for some good Christmas presents -- books related to all things collectible -- let me know! Only 5 bucks a piece. You can't go wrong.

When we got home, Carter was here to greet us, since his sitter had some important appointments today. I said his hair looked pretty good today. He said some kids pointed out where it is shorter on one side than the other, etc. (Probably that redhead.) Then apparently some snot-nosed kid (and I'm just guessing he was snot-nosed) said, "Who cut your hair?! Your mom?" Geez, it's not like I used a bowl. And I really had hoped after 30 years I was done getting picked on in grade school!

So I guess I gotta fix-up job to do tonight with that. I'll have to squeeze it in among our Monday night comedy line-up on TV. Because laughter is one my favorite blessings!

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