Saturday, November 7, 2009

Indian Summer

To make up for not having my scrapbooking weekend, I'm not ashamed to say I did everything I wanted today. Or I should say, everything I did, I wanted to do. In other words, there was no dusting, vacuuming and Saturday chores. Instead, there was golf, a movie and an awesome campfire.

It was an honest-to-goodness Indian Summer day. Not sure how warm it got, but I'd venture to say in the mid-60s maybe. And sunny! A little breezy, but I was fine.

Hubby and I decided first thing we were going golfing somewhere today. Wherever we could get on. Carter, one day into being a certified I-can-stay-at-home-alone kid, didn't want to go but said he'd be fine at home. We really didn't need any more convincing.

We ended up going to Wisconsin River Country Club by Stevens Point. For not playing since August, I was OK at how it ended up. Though, yes, I had my share of self-imposed "time outs" on the course. I still expect to be par-fect, ya know.

The one challenge of playing this late in the year is that all the leaves are on the ground. So once you veer off the fairway, good luck finding your ball. I think Jim and I each lost about 4 balls today. That's OK. We've got all winter to stock up!

We got done with 18 holes in less than 3 1/2 hours (unheard of) so Carter and I had time to take in a matinee of the new Disney Christmas Carol movie. That was well done. I still think the theme is a big much for little kids to understand, but I enjoy just about any interpretation of the Christmas Carol story -- be it serious or funny, real or animated. So I would recommend it!

When we got home, Jim and the neighbor guys were trying to fix a leaking faucet (the one on the back of the house) which required some sort of new pipe, I think, and also required 3 trips (yes 3) to the hardware store. Of course, they knew it had to get fixed today once they started, or we wouldn't be able to use our water. Kind of important when you've got 3 people using toilets, etc. It's all good now.

This evening, we went next door for a campfire. Had a great time, as always, visiting, B.S.-ing and laughing. Good stuff. You always learn something new. Tonight I learned that the girl staying overnight next door is Carter's "girlfriend." That was news to me. Of course, the mothers are always the last to know, aren't we? We'll be following this story closely, ladies and gentlemen.

Well I better get to bed. I do have to close the windows now. The Indian Summer day turned into a pretty chilly night. I think even with the windows closed, it still qualifies as "good sleeping weather." G'nite!

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

Regarding Carter's "girlfriend," don't worry. If he's like his cousins, he will be living with you and Jim into his twenties and will never get married. lol