Friday, November 27, 2009

Blue Friday

I hate to call this day Black Friday when the sun is shining and we have cloudless blue skies.

I slept in and strolled into Wal-Mart at 8:30 a.m. and still managed to get a few deals. Unfortunately, the cheap movie supply was thoroughly picked over and I didn't find the exact ones I thought Carter would like. Found a few though. Can't pass up a DVD for $3.20!

Now the vehicle is packed and just waiting for me to get myself in order. Carter and I will be heading up the my twin sister's near Grantsburg/Siren today. Tonight we might catch a movie -- or just sit home. Tomorrow her house will be filled with the rest of our family for the annual Cookie Bake.

Since the women far outnumber the men, we are leaving hubby home to enjoy the silence (and the remote) for 3 full days! How's that for the best gift ever?? Hopefully, he'll get some shopping done for the big boys so that's off the list. But I'll leave that up to him.

Carter and I will miss him, sure, but will be so busy taste-testing cookies and playing games, I'm sure we'll still manage to have fun without him!

I'm not sure I'll get access to any Internet up there so this may be a 3-day break from my blog, too. I'm sure you'll survive. Eat a turkey sandwich and take a nap. That works every time.

Gotta go!

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