Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'd Like to Buy a Vowel...

One of my favorite traits I inherited from my mother is the love for the English language. Learn it, love it, play with it, but don't abuse it. (And by abuse I mean dreadful sins like poor grammar, misplaced modifiers and misspellings.)

I'm convinced we'd be unstoppable as a mother-daughter team on Wheel of Fortune. But we never attempt to get on the show. Guess we don't want to show off...

The other day she called me with a word emergency. Yep, you read that right. She had to unscramble 30 Thanksgiving-related words to enter a contest. She figured out 28 on her own but her scrambling was stymied by the last 2.

It's always good to feel needed by your mother -- even if it's just to help her win a turkey! As it turned out, I got the first word as soon as she gave me the last letter, which was a D. I said, "Oh, D as in Drumstick?" She said, "Yes." When she didn't seem excited, I'm like, "Mom, that's the word -- Drumstick!" Oh, OK! Then she was excited.

We were down to the last one. I was working all the letters and wasn't seeing them come together in any way that made sense. I was about to tell her I'd call her back, when Carter, who was listening in on this and apparently working his English skills, said, "Mom, I figured it out. It's Celebrate!"

Wow. I couldn't have been more proud if he'd won a duathlon (or even a Spelling Bee). What a team Grammar, er Grandma, Carter and I make!

And just when I thought this word thing might be a fluke, yesterday Carter asked me when I'd be done with the book I'm reading. He had just finished his book (North by Donna Jo Napoli) for school. "Mom, you have to read this next! This book was awesome!"

Be still my heart. We may have a third-generation Wheel-er yet.

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