Sunday, November 22, 2009

Too Good to Last?

I have a feeling that this mild streak is over, once and for all, and we won't see these Indian Summer type days again until Spring or the real Summer arrives. Today was in the mid-50s again. Really no excuse to be in the house ... but there were things to do.

Carter and I went to early church and Sunday School. Picked up a movie on the way home -- which was silly because why would we want to spend time indoors? We at least waited until dark to watch it.

Since the Vikings weren't on (we just don't get good television in central Wisconsin), I made some cookies, got supper going in the crock pot, then went for a run. Don't worry, I was ablaze in orange -- and stuck to very residential roads.

When I got home, Carter was playing next door so I quickly wrapped all his Christmas presents. He is officially done. Yay! Wrapped a few other things, too. I know I have time but I have a curious cat who will start digging into all those secret bags in the bedroom so I need to get those done sooner rather than later. Plus, I'm one of those sick people who loves wrapping presents!

While I was being a domestic goddess, or a fake Mrs. Claus anyway, Jim was next door helping with the early stages of construction on the sled run. If you recall my pictures and attempts at video this past winter, we have quite the Olympic luge setup. Looks like this year, the obsessed men who will be boys in our neighborhood have big plans in mind. I believe the word "double-wide" came up and they were not talking trailers. (This is the only time I will say I hope we get snow at some point!)

Today, though, I will enjoy the mild weather and push those thoughts to the back of my mind. Even if this weather is too good to last, I sure hope the Vikings run this season is just heating up!

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