Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Successful Hunt

For the first time in years, we were not awakened at dawn by the sound of gunshots on opening day of deer hunting. A quick glance out the window told us why. It was pretty foggy out there until after 8 at least. Once the fog burned off, we were in business. And when I say we, I mean Carter and I went hunting, too.

Just not for deer.

We garbed ourselves in bright red (the better to see you with) and headed to Mad Town. Our mission was to hunt down some decent bargains and get some Christmas shopping done. But first, the more important reason for going...

My best friend from grade school and on lives on the south side of Madison. Yes, she's less than 2 hours away but no, we just don't make time in our busy lives to see each other very often. We were emailing a few weeks ago and, not for the first time, talked about how ridiculous that is. So we checked our calendars and circled Nov. 21. No pertinent obligations. And perfect travel weather, too. (We got lucky there.)

We met at the mall and drove over the TGI Friday's for a long lunch of visiting and looking through scrapbooks and catching up. We agreed it was good for the soul and something we should be doing much more often going forward. Why not once every few months? It's only 90 minutes, after all, from my driveway to the mall parking lot. There is no excuse. Plus, I miss her! It was like old times (not that we're old or anything).

After lunch, Julie headed home and Carter and I hit the mall. We spent several hours there and managed to get a few people crossed off our gift list. I even got a few things for Carter, too, and he didn't even know it. Yep, I wasn't even wearing blaze orange and I still had a successful hunt.

Now if I could just figure out what to buy hubby. If Mad Town didn't have it (whatever it is), who will? Yes, I am hunting for hints, clues, ideas. And yes, I'll wear blaze orange if I have, too...

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