Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good
  • I sold more than 30 of my (I mean Carter's) 50 candy bars today. And I did not eat any of my profits!
  • Our taxes are all done and, thanks to some "green" credits for the new windows, money should be traveling through cyberspace to our savings account as we speak. (By the way, if you need a good tax guy, we got one. Let us know.)

The Bad

  • This lingering head cold business is making for some sleepless, cough-filled nights. This morning the cat was sneezing on me, too. Now Carter is the only one left to get it, I guess.
  • I don't know if this is bad, good or sinful. I decided to give up "trying to be Catholic for Lent" for Lent. In other words, I'm 180% Lute-ran and did not grow up with this tradition of sacrifice during Lent. Not that I remember anyway. So this year for Lent, yes, I will still eat my ice cream but.... I also will do my best to take care of this body God gave me. And that will include making every effort to at least get those daily 10,000 steps on my pedometer.
The Ugly

  • Since my mind has been so focused on the Olympics, when I packed my gym bag last night, I forgot socks. Didn't realize 'til I was getting dressed at the fitness center. Grr. So I wore my fushia dress socks, then, after my run, dried them with the wall-mounted hair dryer, coated my feet with tons of powder, then wore them for the rest of the day. No one complained about smelly feet. (At least within earshot.)
  • Ugly could describe some of these sequined outfits the male skaters have been wearing. From feathers to bib overalls to argyle and, let's not forget the lucky sequined snake, it's been a fashion awakening. Ugly more aptly describes how I will be tomorrow (along with tired and cranky) after staying up late for the men's final. But the beauty is that there was some real talent to watch. And in the end, it was so worth it!!

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