Monday, February 22, 2010

Blessings in Disguise

With hubby gone, I had no one to gently nudge me out of bed this morning. So I just kept hitting that snooze and, when I did wake up for real, I promptly let out quite the energetic expletive, jumped out of bed and hit the shower, thinking "Great. This is going to be one of those days."

But then, as usual, God put some people, places and things in my path and I realize I am having a wonderful day. A fabulous day. An "I wouldn't want to be in anyone else's shoes" kind of day. Why?

Here are some sure "Signs I am Blessed" (subtitle: Reasons I have no right to complain today):

  • My nephew Tony, who is serving in Iraq, had to deal with their first dust storm of the "season" yesterday. He said visibility was something like 30 feet. I will not complain about my commute with "flurries" today. ( I am thankful, too, for my safety as an American -- thanks to men and women like Tony!)
  • Carter has been dumped by yet another fickle 6th-grade girl. They were together just long enough to celebrate Valentine's Day. Now, just like the last one, she didn't tell Carter directly but had a friend do it. "I wish they would just tell 'Hey, I don't like you anymore' instead of playing Telephone." Someday, Carter, you'll be blessed with a soul mate for life. I'm so grateful I am!
  • One of my sisters is dealing with some health concerns. Apparently, we hit a certain age and our bodies start to go to Hell, much like the elastic in our underwear. I pray that she finds the answers she needs. And, despite my routine griping about exercise and trying to get those darn 10,000 steps per day, I am so blessed that (for today at least) I can!
  • There is visitation tonight and a funeral tomorrow for the 43-year-old father of one of Carter's classmates. He had leukemia. Carter and I had a good talk about this and how fortunate he is that he still has healthy parents and relatively healthy grandparents. Carter said he could not imagine life without Dad and listed several reasons why, including, "he buys me treats and introduces me to all these people he knows!" Then said, "Mom, I just don't know what you'd do without him." I don't either.
Yup. I am so very, very blessed.

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