Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Weak End

My body is so tense from trying to make our speed skaters go faster that I need to take a break and blog. I feel exhausted!

Today is Saturday. It's supposed to be the day I sleep in after finally catching up on sleep. But I had to go and have my usual batch of psychotic dreams again (one being captured by vampires, the other being forced to fly into space), so I did not sleep well.

I always feel guilty about sleeping in, anyway. Saturday morning is my time to dust, vacuum, sweep and clean off the kitchen counter -- which gets lost every single week without fail under little piles of mail and other important papers.

Today I was on a roll so I had hubby go sign Carter up for soccer. So now he is signed up for his spring sport and his summer sport, which end up overlapping in May but only for practices. Sorry, no candy bars to sell for soccer. But I do have 5 of his baseball ones left. I had 6 but Carter wanted to buy one. (Oh yes, I am shameless about sales!)

This afternoon Carter had a friend over. I took them to open gym at the YMCA. Right before we were going to leave, 2 other boys their age showed up and wanted to play 2-on-2. They didn't know them so didn't know if they were great basketball players or not. They were just cocky enough to say sure, let's play. Somehow Carter and his friend smoked 'em. I mean really. They beat them 18-0. I just shook my head and wondered where this talent was during the regular basketball season! Oh well, at least we know it's lurking beneath the surface, right?

After we got home, I made my way over to Wal-Mart to get groceries for supper. I was wearing one of my Vikings jackets and this woman approaches me and asks me what I thought of the season. I'm so used to going on the defense from people who want to kick me and my purple pride when I'm down. But then she said she's a fan, too. So we had a nice conversation about what it's like to be losers once again and how next year, we'll still cheer them on. Who knew I could even get cheap therapy at Wal-Mart? Wow, they have everything!

After supper, I headed to my Scrap Cave to get more organized for camp, which is now less than a week away. I have much to do tomorrow, too, after Carter's sleepover friend leaves. I was just too tired to keep working on it.

Plus, I have to use what energy I have left to cheer on my man. Short track finals are coming up. Gotta go!

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