Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sometimes in the winter, it feels like we're living inside an Earth-sized snowglobe. That's when it's pretty and I'm not going anywhere. I don't mind those days.

Today, it was more like maneuvering inside one of those giant Slush Puppy machines we see at convenience stores and baseball concession stands. It was slippery, slushy and ugly. I don't like those days.

Thankfully, hubby was working today so I didn't have to drive. I just gripped the door handle and quietly engaged in my Lamaze breathing when we'd hit the slick spots. Uff da.

I did drive today when I went to workout over lunch hour. By the time I'd brushed off the snow and scraped the ice off the windshield, I was well on my way to burning calories. Now that's multi-tasking! It certainly helped my pedometer anyway. I had 10,000 steps before I headed for home today. (Notice I didn't brag about having only 2,000 steps on Sunday and Monday.)

When we got home, Jim had a great idea for supper. I set the table and he went into town to get Pizza Hut pasta. Never had it before, but I give it two thumbs up. I also got out of making dinner for the third night in a row. I give that two thumbs up, too!

Now we're all too full to move. Carter is going to attempt some shoveling, though. Daddy is going to attempt to work the remote. And I am heading down to the Scrap Cave. The countdown to camp has officially begun its final stages (17 days) and I have much to do to get ready. As a bonus, I can't see outside from the Cave so I don't see the heavy, wet snow falling. I can just crank a heater and put on some tunes and escape...

And, I suspect, tomorrow will be another rude awakening as we head back into the Slushie machine!

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