Saturday, March 6, 2010

Consolation Prizes

Today was the day Carter competed in the next level of the Knights of Columbus spelling contest. We headed to Plover with butterflies in our stomachs. Seriously, I was just as nervous as Carter!

The format of the competition was the same. He would have 50 spelling problems. Each "problem" was a list of 4 words. The contestants had to identify if any were misspelled, then spell them correctly. If all were correct, they would just write "none." When Carter got done, he was not as confident as last time. Much harder words. "I think they were making words up!" Well, I guess that means he hadn't seen them before so didn't know if they were spelled correctly or not.

Needless to say, when the winners were announced, Carter Austin (or Austin Carter as he was called last time) was not among the top 2 6th-graders going onto state.

I could tell Carter was really disappointed. And I felt so bad for him, I wanted to cry. We just want our kids to do well, ya know?

I think he's over it. He really would like to know his score so he knows if he was just a point behind the winners or if he sucked (those are his words). We won't ever know the scores so I tried to convince him that if he did the best he could, that's all that matters.

I don't know if I did a good job consoling him or not, but here are a few things that probably could qualify as "consolation prizes":

~> We went out to lunch afterwards at iHop. If chocolate chip pancakes can't cure what ails you, what can?

~> By coincidence, they finally printed the results of the first round of the competition in today's newspaper. Carter was in two photos and his name was listed 3 times: spelling, 1st place; math, 2nd place; free throws, 2nd place. So at least he has his 15 minutes of fame.

~> It was a beautiful day. Sunny with temps in the mid-40s. So Carter got to release some frustration playing hoops (and I got to go for a run). Endorphins are always uplifting.

~> Carter 'fessed up that he is "back together" with that red head. This is a relatively new development. About 24 hours old so I am wondering if that was what was on his mind today. Hmmm. This is the part where I'm still the mom wanting him to be happy -- but stipulating that I prefer academic satisfaction. More on this in a moment...

~> We rounded out the day with a campfire next door. While us grown-ups were there, Carter, the next-door neighbor girl and the red head were all at Skate City -- not skating, just "hanging out." So while it should have been a relaxing time, I couldn't help looking at my watch and thinking of the latest "report" Carter was seen holding hands with his gal pal the evening before (photo proof) and wondering what they are doing now. When they did return, he claims it was pretty boring, but I think I recognize that twinkle in his eye. It's got nothing to do with correcting spelling errors.

Yikes. Where's my consolation when I need it?

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