Friday, March 26, 2010

Going, Going... Gone

Well we finally shipped off the 11-year-old so we are child-free for 8 days. Now I'm sitting here waiting for the joy to set in. Hmmm. I don't think it's going to come that quickly.

It was a fast day today leading up to the ETD (estimated time of departure). Carter did not have school since the quarter ended yesterday. Daddy and I had to work so we wisely took him to the babysitter so Carter wouldn't go stir crazy with impatience waiting for "go" time.

I intended to get out of work by 1:30 to come back to Rapids and get him. That ETD never works -- especially on a Friday. Did get out by 2:10. Picked up Carter. Threw him in the shower (in case he doesn't get to shower for awhile on the road) and packed the car. I quadruple-checked to be sure he had everything. Let him eat a quick snack and we hit the road by 3:40.

Got to our friends' north of Nelsonville at 4:20 and said goodbye.

I sort of said my mushy goodbye at home before we left the house. I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friend (just this once). As we're driving over there, he says from the back seat, "I don't know if I should say this but I will miss you, Mom, just so you know that." OK, not good to be tearing up while you're driving!

Without sounding overly eager, we did say he could use their cell phone (no, he did not get one of this deal) and call us once a day, whatever worked out. He said, "Or even if I just see something that's unbelievable that I want to tell you about?" Yes, even then, you can call, too.

I suspect he'll be too busy having fun to actually think of that. Now I just have to be a big girl and accept that.

We managed to start off our "honeymoon" with a fish fry at St. Lawrence, then a brief visit at Jim's parents. Now, of course, there's basketball on -- which could eat up a weekend. I even sucked on my second-chance loser bracket, so I don't really have to watch anything.

The nice thing is I don't have anything on the agenda for tonight or the weekend. Jim says, "Well, I suppose you'll be in bed by 9." Nope, I said. We just got home. That's not enough time for my blanket to warm up!

(And I don't think I'll get hot towels and a massage two nights in a row. Though, that's what honeymoons are for, right?)

We'll miss you, Carter!

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