Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Assembly Required

With another day of temps in the 60s, we are close to waving goodbye to our final little piles of snow. In our house that means one thing -- we are close to getting our two-wheeled non-motorized vehicles out.

We have a rule that the bikes and scooters aren't to be used until the snow is gone. Don't need anyone leaving their bike out in the snow to rust. There's no worry that I am going to jump on my bike if it's much below 70 degrees anyway. But you know how boys can be. Look at those puddles!

Luckily, the snow melted at a slow and steady pace so we aren't in Mudville like some Springs. So we relented and let Carter ride today.

But first, I had to assemble the fancy 3-wheeled scooter he got for Christmas! Yes, we've had nearly 3 months to do this. But what's the rush? It surprisingly didn't take too long. And surprisingly, and very thankfully, it held together in its inaugural run -- and the brakes worked, too!

So we're all put together and ready for Spring. Too bad there's snow in the forecast by the weekend.

See, I knew there was no hurry!

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