Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In Focus

This week has been flying by in a blur! So much to do, so little time.

Monday night was consumed by laundry and "catching up" after a long weekend away. Tuesday was a trip to the eye doctor for Carter. His eyes have worsened by "one click" on the focusing machine so he does not need new glasses just yet. If he grows a lot this summer -- or breaks this pair in baseball or chasing a girl, then we'll have to replace them with a new prescription.

He is still color blind -- or challenged is more politically correct -- as evidenced by the spring pictures we just got back...

Nice brown shirt under a black-lined hoodie. Oh well. The only thing that tops it is his wet hair. No, this is not the just-showered look. It is the "I just came from gym class and I'm a sweaty 6th-grade boy" look. Who schedules these things?

Ah, he's still adorable to me!

This afternoon Carter and I had our 6th-month dental checkups so we had to race home from work early, pick him up at school and get to the dentist office (to wait, of course) by 4. No cavities for either of us and it looks like Carter's teeth are straightening themselves out OK so, knock on wood, he may not need braces!

Tonight it's been a whirlwind of packing! Yikes. Carter is still floating around in excitement while I dictate "the list" so we don't forget anything. Since tomorrow is the last day of the quarter and they have the spring carnival tomorrow night, I wanted basically everything done tonight. We did pretty good.

The only thing I forgot in the "blur" this week was to get a birthday card to my mother. It's her birthday tomorrow but she'll get a nice card on Friday and hopefully appreciate the late greetings.

I did remember to pay all my bills -- but I had to give it a second thought because our power was off for several hours today. Turns out we have (or had) a squirrel in the neighborhood that could use some new glasses, too. Perhaps then he would have avoided the transformer box. Z-z-z-t-t! The squirrel didn't fare well, but hubby and neighbor guys managed to save the beer before it got too warm! Our heroes.

So much excitement around here. Uff-da! It's going to be quiet around here next week!


Anonymous said...

That's quite an adorable picture.
Auntie Lene

Rayna Delaney said...

OMG! No wonder he's got the girls coming after him! I read this post via facebook and didn't know there was a picture. He looks like his ol' man, bet you're kissin' up the ol' man's lips this weekend. :)