Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yes, Virginia, There is a Carter

We opted not to have a date night tonight. Figured we should be home one night to eat a cheap meal, get the garbage out to the curb and wait for Carter to call.

Well he didn't call. Of course, he might have been planning to. I just couldn't wait any longer.

They had 2 more busy days in Washington, D.C. He has now seen the White House and the Capitol, a few more museums, including the Naval Museum in Annapolis, Md. They dealt with a few rain showers but also made it out to Arlington National Cemetery, where they actually got to see the "changing of the guard." Carter thought that was pretty incredible and made "the trip very worthwhile!"

Today they wrapped up the fun in the D.C. area and headed south. They are spending the night in Virginia at a hotel and tomorrow will get to go to Mount Vernon. That should be absolutely gorgeous. (Yes, I'm jealous and I'm not afraid to admit it.) If the warm weather predicted here reaches them, then they'll camp somewhere in Virginia tomorrow night. What a trip!

Suddenly a night at home, switching channels between The Office and American Idol sounds rather dull, doesn't it? At least I still get to clean the litter box yet!

I think it was Carter's turn...

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