Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sauntering Forward

We had such a full day it's no wonder I don't have any energy to actually "spring" forward. However, I have changed all the clocks in the house so it's officially past my bedtime!

I'm wondering if we lose this hour if the weather gods will compensate by giving us a sunny day ahead. Heck, I wouldn't mind just a 5-minute glimpse of the sun!

Today was cloudy and drizzly again. I went for a very short run this morning because I was not in the mood to be cold and wet. Then got my Saturday "chores" done -- dusting, sweeping, vacuuming -- in record time because we had things to do and places to go and people to see...

We donned our blue clothes, picked up Jim's sister and headed up to Mosinee to cheer on the Assumption girls basketball team in the Regional championship game. After easily winning the first games this week, today they were much more evenly matched against this Almond-Bancroft team.

In other words, we couldn't really relax until the end, when we were ahead by 10 points with half a minute to go. Even then, I would have been concerned but the other team subbed in their entire bench so everyone could play. Then I knew they were conceding. Quite the game. Pretty cool to pack more than half the gym with Assumption fans. Fun stuff. High basketball rocks!

Afterward, we connected with an old friend of hubby's who lives in Mosinee. We popped over to the Airport Lounge for some beverages and Got home in the late afternoon but still had time to get some laundry done and watch a movie.

Carter and I watched a kids flick, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Kind of a cute movie. I was wishing I was part of the action when it was "raining" ice cream from the sky (hmm, maybe our weather gods could stir that up since they insist on rain).

I feel full, though, just from watching it. And definitely won't be doing any springing forward. This year maybe I'll just saunter along and make sure I'm pointed in the right direction...

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