Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Sum of All Parts

One of the reasons I love scrapbooking is because it gives me so much pleasure to capture a moment in our family's life and present it creatively so we can remember it for years to come.

It would be unfair, though, to grab a scrapbook, open it to a random page and say, "Oh this must have been a great year. Look at how much fun we had on vacation!" Or conversely say, "Wow, look how the back yard was flooded. That year must have been the worst ever." We can't judge an entire year by one moment. It is made up of hundreds and thousands of "moments" -- not all of them presented in the scrapbook (or this blog).

In the same vein, we can't label a day based on one teeny part of it. But we sure do that a lot, don't we?

I could say my day was "depressing" because I had been optimistic going into my weekly weigh-in, knowing I had vamped up my cardio and my daily steps, but then the scale went up, too. Dang. That was disappointing.

I could say my day was "awesome" because I learned my nephew finally made it out of Iraq and onto neutral soil in Kuwait. Now, it's just a matter of days until he is home in the States. What a relief!

I could say my day was "emotionally painful" as I observed the hurtful way some teenagers I know (and love) are treating their parents. I was not a perfect child. I don't know when I finally "got it" and understood my parents did the best they could. It's tough when I see it could be a loooonnnnngg time before certain individuals "get it." Listen up, kids. As parents, we do what we do -- whether it's with a firm hand or gentle hug -- because we love you. That's all. We just want what's best for you. Please believe that. (Someday you will.)

I could say my day was "encouraging." I was able to push myself on a good run over lunch and, despite what the evil scale says, I am not going to give up. I'll just do what I can and be grateful I don't have some of the health issues some family and friends are facing.

I could say my day was "fanta-bulous," sportswise, after we saw the top-ranked Assumption girls outscore that poor Lutheran team by more than 50 points! Great game. Onto the next round of Regional Playoffs!

So looking back at my day -- my whole day -- I could say it was good. The sum of all parts make me grateful I have love, I have health, I have God. And, in the end, isn't that what matters?

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