Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting Steamed

Final score from today's action: Wallpaper Steamer -1, Robyn - Big Fat Zero.

I guess I'm not cut out to be a stripper! How is that the always reliable Diff didn't work on our wallpaper and now the highly recommended steamer didn't? Is it just me?

Grrr. I think it is!

Took today off and rented the steamer. Got it home and was getting steamed almost immediately when I couldn't get the hose connected to the "hot pan" thing. Well I tried everything, including Googling it, and couldn't make it work. Had to call on the next-door neighbor, who was at his shop 10 minutes away. He saved the day. And no, I couldn't have figured it out on my own.

Once I got it going, it required some sweat equity, but was easier than the Diff attempts.I had the wallpaper off the wall in about 3 hours.

Or so I thought.

In reality, I just had the first layer. In most places, the "backing" was still adhered to the drywall. Is it OK to score that and steam it again? I had to call on Mr. Neighbor again and after an educated consultation (of course), we decided to give that a try. Well, I would be giving it a try!

That was quite unsuccessful. It required much scrapping and the backing was only coming off in little shavings -- like wet sawdust. After it took a full hour to get two little areas stripped, I called it quits. Probably too late for my back and arms to thank me, but just in time to prevent my steam from blowing its top!

Next step: We'll return the steamer first thing in the morning then consult with our painter to see what he wants us to do. Then we'll see if I have to strip some more or if we pay someone else to. Legally and fully clothed, of course!

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