Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On Break

What's the reward for squeezing 5 days of work into 2? Three days off... well, make that a 5-day break from the office!

I'm officially on my Turkey Break and may even take next Monday off to extend it. Have to use up vacation days or lose them and, as you can tell from the Christmas ads and movies on Hallmark, time is running out!

My plans? Well, right now I've got some DIF soaking into the wallpaper in the bathroom so I can get my stripping routine started. Somehow this probably isn't what hubby had in mind when I volunteered. Ha.

Later, I get to help Carter study for an English test. That will be more fun for me than him, trust me. Likely I will lose patience when he can't define words or use them in a sentence. But I will try to remain calm. I'm on break, after all.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be that fantastic Almost Indian Summer day with highs near 60. Somebody in this house better find an open golf course! Just sayin'.

I do have cooking and cleaning and baking and blah, blah, blah that I SHOULD do. And there's always more stripping to do. Maybe I'll be on a mission tomorrow so I can relax the rest of the week. I'm nothing if not goal-oriented.

Right now my goal is to get this stripping business down to a science. If anyone wants to slip one-dollar bills my way, that's fine. I will use them to buy Band-Aids for my blisters when this is all said and done!

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