Thursday, November 8, 2012

Packing It In

Forgive me for yawning while I type this. The day took a lot out of me!

Worked from home today but hubby had to head to the office. Since I had the computer to myself, I chained myself to the desk and got a lot done in fewer hours -- but did manage to take a shower by noon. Well, maybe 2 minutes after.

What I missed in Iola was a power outage. They ended up sending employees home early. Figures! The one day I'm not there. So I took it upon myself to log off and get onto more important things... like packing for Scrap Camp.

I have every project-related item packed and up near the front door. I have my clothes packed and just have to remember the toiletries. And then just remember the required snacks, my caffeine source, a cooler, laptop, etc, etc. Oh, and red licorice. Just gotta get that together and we're good.

That's a relief since I spent 2 hours with the guys delivering Butter Braids and visiting Jim's aunt and uncle and his parents. Got home in time to work on my Scentsy party order. Yup, I was simultaneously blogging, working and holding a party all week. Ha.

I have to get that paperwork done before I go to bed since I am hopefully hitting the road around 10 a.m. We'll see what else I need to pack in my schedule in the 12 hours!

I better make a list.

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