Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Right

I don't care who you voted for... and I really don't want to know... But I'm glad people care enough about our personal freedoms in the United States that they will go to any length to vote.

I heard stories about one man who had to have CPR to get revived at the polls and his first question, upon coming to, was: "Did I vote?"

I heard stories of folks on the East Coast who had a heck of a time actually getting to their voting places and were lucky to have electricity there, too.

In central Wisconsin, we had snow all day. Not kidding. And even though it clung to grass and trees, it did not stay on the road too much. Not enough to deter drivers from getting to the polls.

Hubby and I waited until after work to go. First we went to the school to pick up Carter, who started a weightlifting regimen, and pick up our Butter Braid order. Then we went to vote. Surprisingly, we didn't have to wait in a long line at the town hall. I think everyone voted earlier because we were #4,235 and #4,236. Considering the population of our township is 7,800 -- and who knows how many are of voting age -- I think we had a great turnout.

That's good. No matter if my vote canceled out Jim's (and I'm not saying it did), it's still our right and our duty, really, to vote. Right now the polls are closing in Wisconsin and 10 other states. The early news "projections" show a tight, pretty much tied race. We'll see how the night goes.

I definitely am not staying up late like I HAD to in the newspaper days. I'll never forget 5 a.m. the day after the Bush-Gore race and we still didn't know who won. The paper had to go to print with a "Too close to call" headline. If it's too close to call tonight, I will be content to go to sleep and find out in the morning! Nothing I can do about it now anyway.

I voted. And that counted.

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