Thursday, November 15, 2012


Just a few out-takes from the day...

Football Fever: It's the State High School Football Playoffs in Madison today and tomorrow. Carter's longtime "summer friend" Harry and his team from Amherst got to go... and they won! How exciting for him and the teeny community we drive through every day on our commute. I'm sure even though Harry and the other freshman were on the sidelines, they were thrilled to be at Camp Randall and, of course, thrilled to bring home the first state football championship for their community. Very cool.

More Football Fever: Speaking of football and Camp Randall... Jim and Carter get to go to the Badgers game on Saturday. They are excited for that and I am excited I get to drop them off and spend the afternoon with my BFF from high school, Julie, who lives down there. Win-win for everyone... and hopefully for the Badgers, too!

Persistent Pain: Called my parents tonight and was sad to hear my dad is suffering from Shingles pain again. Dang. And double dang! He had two really good months where the medication was working and he was on top of the world. Now it's back to more meds for Shingles and for pain. Grrr. I welcome any prayers for some relief for him. Thanks!

Attitude of Gratitude: I am still posting an "I am thankful for..." item on Facebook every day this month. When I hear about my parents or friends who are sick or suffering, I am doubly thankful I have my health. Despite some challenges this year, I came out on the good end. So far. And maybe just for today. But I'll take it. Thanks!

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